
Rookie Mistakes.

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Rookie Mistakes.

Real Estate investing is very fun to do, very profitable, but it is NOT without risk.  Many people think that real estate investing is "flipping houses" - and with the popularity of various tv shows that demonstrate this strategy you would think that this is the ONLY way to make money.  "Flipping" or the more correct term "quick turning" houses is one strategy, but not the only one.  Typically what happens is that people jump into real estate after seeing TV shows that show people making making relatively easy money flipping houses, and they think that "hey, I can do this". 

This is where people get into trouble.  An investment is NEVER risky.  The risk is entirely from the INVESTOR, and their inability to understand the opportunity (or lack thereof). Before you invest in ANYTHING, get an education.  Learn about it.  We at Cave Buyers took years to learn how to approach sophisticated investments in the Real Estate world.  We are NOT the people you want for stocks, bonds, options, futures etc.  We know Real Estate because we have spent countless hours pouring over numbers, market analysis, working with other professionals in the trade space etc. 

Before you invest in anything else, first invest in your education in whatever area it is that you want to invest.

- The Cave Buyers.



Investing in Real Estate.


Quick Turn numbers