
What We Do

“Fall seven times, stand up eight.”

Japanese Proverb


If you are on this webpage, it is because you have  a personal or professional relationship with us.

Cave Buyers, LLC is a real estate investment firm that deals in all types of real estate investment strategies.  These strategies include everything from rental properties to note buying, from hard money lending to commercial real estate, and everything in between. We are a 506b SEC Exempted Fund as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission, as such, we are able to do business with both accredited and non-accredited investors.

Cave Buyers isn’t focused on one or two strategies, but on returns.  In fact, our strategy changes depending on the market and the deals.  Real estate investments are so diverse that, by changing our strategy, we can take advantage of nearly any market. 

If you choose to partner with Cave Buyers, your investment will be included with other partners into a fund.  Each fund will be capped at a certain level of funding and once the cap is reached the fund will be closed to more investors.  At this point, the investment phase begins. 

During the investment phase, Cave Buyers’ real estate investing experts will invest the fund using a diverse array of investment strategies, focusing on getting the best returns.  At the end of the process, the initial investments and any returns will be disbursed to the original partners.

Cave Buyers is dedicated to bringing real estate investing to everyone. You do not need to be an accredited investor.  We accept investments from one hundred dollars and up in our funds.